do you ever sit on the coach and find yourself crying or wanting to - at commercials mainly which may prompt thoughts of how much I love my children, my family, how I don't want them to grow up and leave (I do of course but dread the pain of missing them), I miss my sisters, my mom...I am at this point tonight. Who am I talking to right now and asking this question - laughing at myself - because really I am just writing to me ;)
Just felt like writing - Allen is at "man night" and I am here - on this coach - crying - crying all the overdue tears and stresses of the day. Feels good to let it out with my rooibos bourbon vanilla tea and chocolate chip orange scone - and I thought I was not going to write about food in this entry - but really tears and comfort food go together - it had to be mentioned. So - I don't usually like orange and chocolate together - orange flavored anything really - but this is REALLY good and it works. My friend Joyce made them - I have not yet made them - but now I will. Will write the recipe out when I do.
Oh gosh - here comes another commercial - a boy with his backpack on, saying goodbye to his come the tears again.
sweet friend, I love this post!