Friday, February 3, 2012

Release the Lumps ;)

All of a sudden i am so very aware of the lump in my throat , thankfully not a palpable lump, but one probably of stress and emotion.  just sitting and waiting to be released.  I take it in all week - go, go, go.  worry, worry, worry.  I just looked up as i sit in this cafe and the smell of warm toast, bacon and syrup remind me of childhood and i feel that lump loosen and my eyes feel wet.  there is a peaceful reminder behind that smell - slow down, remember, breathe!
I want to be free of this grip at my core and the lump in my throat - a physical feeling behind such deep emotions - I am completely dependent on Him and yet I forget that ALL the time and forget His peace.  But right now, I remember it and smile as I feel the gentle nudge to take that breathe and let the lumps go ;)

Thank you for this day Lord and all that you have for me in it.  A picnic with Hudson, friends and so much hope.