"Hudson, did you get your retainer?" Yelling as we left Hunny's house. Did I just ask that question? This brand spankin new 40 year old? It hit me just then that time is a moving. quicker than i can hold it. hug it. sit for long and read a book in it. Hudson is 9 years old. God bless as my BFF Jen Hatmaker would say ;) (In my world she is my BFF). Am I really a mom of a son who wears a retainer? A daughter who shares shoes with me and a little one who snuggles me like nobody can? Yes! and thank you Lord. And wait a minute - am I really 40? Yes. These posts are growing far and few between because once again the time snatcher is in full effect. Who has time to write on her blog? I can barely answer emails and texts and keep up with laundry. I would really like to know how people do it. and when.
One day I hope to bind up all these entries and give to my children...so treasures - here we are, living in the studio, counting days to move back in to the house, wearing beanie caps to bed because it is f r e e z i n g. no more ants and mice living with us though. yay! sharing the bathroom/laundry room. Poo pourri working wonders. Homeschooling at the kitchen table with books everywhere. Turning on the oven not to cook but to heat. These are the days we will remember. really. I treasure them. I treasure my family who keeps me on my toes. keeps me Me. reminds me there is nothing more important than right now and being present. finding rest.
This is what I am talking about. Penelope - you love to throw parties - for any occasion. Every time we go to the grocery store, we pull in the parking lot and I hear "Oh ya I have to buy things for my party." God love you! This was our party last night...under the blankets. Included Lip Sync (P: Justin Bieber "what do you mean" H: Taylor Swift "wildest dreams" M: Adele "hello"- I rocked it, we all did.) Then, a few games of cards. Many snacks. and bedtime. Grace was too cool for school doing her cupcake website (G byrd, you are amazing!) I love you all. more. than. you. know.