Tuesday, January 19, 2010

"Rainy days and Mondays always get me down" - Karen Carpentar ;) Not me -  I love rainy days and yesterday was one of them.  I wrote this to a friend yesterday and thought this was a good synopsis of my day ;) "we are inside today - grace and hudson were playing in the puddles and now they are making their own lunch (which was actually decent for a 3 and 5 year old to make). Love it!! Penelope is making a mess and my dog ate my whole loaf of bread - this is all after a morning at the urgent care when allen needed 11 staples in his head after hitting it really hard on the cabinet ;) onward we press on - have a great day!" 
 Even through this chaos I loved this day.  I made a huge bowl of popcorn and my kids climbed into my bed and watched Mary Poppins, I got to bake some granola I have been wanting to try - delicious - and some of the softest molasses cookies I have ever had - amazing!!!  The sun came out for a brief time - may I add at the perfect time for me to get everyone outside and feed the horses, play some kickball and play outside just before coming in for warm cookies and a lovely spaghetti dinner.
* A great day I am thankful for.  Here comes little footsteps - love the sound of those - here goes a new day!